Terms & Conditions
Website will remain under Influent Media Design Management for no less than 1 year. The business owner or someone appointed by the business owner may be assigned to the website as a website manager. This package does not include monthly maintenance by Influent Media Design or re-occurring changes. You will receive an invoice at the end of the 12 month period in order to keep the website active. If the business does not have a logo then you agree to allow Influent Media Design to create the logo and publish the logo as is. If the preferred domains are not available then you agree to allow Influent Media Design to use best judgement in selecting a domain. For e-commerce websites, deposits will be made every 14 days. The business owner will be able to add their bank information.

Style Release
Client has spent a satisfactory amount of time reviewing Influent Media Design's work and has a reasonable expectation that Influent Media Design will produce a reasonably similar outcome and result for Client. Influent Media Design will use reasonable efforts to ensure Client’s services are carried out in a style and manner consistent with Influent Media Design's current portfolio and services, and Influent Media Design will try to incorporate any suggestions Client makes. However, Client understands and agrees that:
● Every client and final delivery is different, with different tastes, budgets, and needs;
●is a subjective service and Influent Media Design is a provider with a unique vision, with an ever-evolving style and technique;
● Influent Media Design will use creative license to create favorable results for Client, which may not include strict adherence to Client’s suggestions;
● Dissatisfaction with Influent Media Design's independent judgment or individual management style are not valid reasons for termination of this Agreement or request of any monies returned.